R E H I What financial requirements should you expect? Information provided by Crown Point Commercial There are several issues to consider before signing a commercial lease, and you must prepare your financial documents carefully before beginning this process. In the case of a startup company without a rental history or “paper trail” this is an extremely important factor. As with any legal consideration, when in doubt be sure to consult a qualified attorney. If your business is a startup, landlords realize you probably won’t be collecting a profit for at least six months and possibly longer, and that you will have expenses in addition to rent such as inventory, payroll, and other financial obligations. Landlords typically require you to pay the first month’s rent, as well as a security deposit of no less than one month’s rent upfront, and may require more if you lack strong financials and credit. When presenting your financial situation to the potential landlord, keep in mind they are most interested in seeing what you will have left once you’ve covered all the upfront costs involved in the business. email [email protected] for more information.