55 Elizabeth St considered to be routine maintenance. This category may also contain safety hazards or concerns. Safety Concern: Items or defective components could present serious safety hazards that need immediate attention. These categories are based on the inspector's professional judgment and are based on the conditions at the time of the inspection. This categorization should not be construed to mean that items designated as Minor Concerns or Recommendations do not need to be repaired or addressed. The recommendation in each comment is more important than the category in which the defect was placed. Limitations: If the inspector was not able to inspect/test certain areas or components of the home, there may be a Limitations tab in that section of the report. The Limitations tab may show things that need to be further evaluated after the inspection. I recommend reading any Limitations in the report and addressing them as necessary. Photographs: Several photos and videos are in your inspection report. These photos are for informational purposes and may not include every instance or occurrence of a defect. For example, if the report has three photos of hail damage on the roof, this does not mean that there is only hail damage in those areas. Carolina Premier Inspections LLC Page 4 of 78